Peer Review Process

The reviewing of articles in Family, Gender and Society (FGS) is by double-blind peer-review to ensure the quality of their underlying research methodology and argument. The identity of the author of the article and the reviewers are not known to both parties. The journal is committed to the highest standards of peer review.

Note: the articles that send by email will not review. Please study the Guide for Authors to set up the manuscript according to precise guidelines of the journal and then submit it as Word File (.docx).

The Steps to evaluate articles

1. Reviewing preliminary of the paper according to the base indices of publication (Subject, Abstract, Keywords, Structure, References).
2. Reviewing of the article in terms of scientific theft.
3. Submitting the article to at least two expert reviewers in the subject matter of the article for reviewing.
4. The Announcing the result of judging to the author (non-acceptance / need to review).
5. Sending the revised article for final reviewing (acceptance / non-acceptance).
6. Sending the final result of reviewing to the author (acceptance / non-acceptance).
7. Sending an Acceptance letter to the authors.
8. The putting the accepted manuscripts in the section of the articles in the press.
9. Determining the publication number of the article by the editorial board's view.
10. Sending the article to the language editor.
11. Sending the edited article to the author for final approval before publishing.
12. Sending the final file approved by the author to the page designer.
13. Publishing online the article on the Journal Site.
14. Sending a notification email of the published article to the authors.
15. Submitting articles to national and international databases and indexes.